
Metalweb is a visual editor to create web pages. With Metalweb it's really easy to create you own web page without any knowledge of Html. Metalweb 4 works as a word processor, althoug you can always type down html tags or modify the source if you belive it's necessary.

In this new version we have changed the method used in previous versions, based on drag&drop, the overall running of the program was not as friendly as it was supposed to be. For that matter we have decided to make the program look more like a word processor. We hope that no one misses the drag&drop (we personally believe that it has been worthwhile.)

As a matter of fact, metalweb4 it is not a finished product, we would have liked to implement a better table support but time has run out. we promise you, that by next version the tables will be improved. It will require lots of work and effort so we would appreciate if you could register and avoid using illegal copies of the program. People cannot imagine all the work behind each program regardless of its size.

Metalweb is a shareware product, please if you like it try to buy it it's only 3000 ptas, 20 Euros, 40 DM, or 25$.

what's new on this version?
what do i need to run the program?